The Practice at 1440 Multiversity

You are invited to 1440 Multiversity to deepen and reconnect to your practice.

Seane CornRodney Yee |  Colleen Saidman Yee | Sri Dharma Mittra

Chelsea Jackson Roberts | Tiffany CruikshankAnnie Carpenter

Sally Kempton | Shane Roberts

Your experience begins Friday evening at an inspirational keynote and extends over three days—with your unique schedule of asana, pranayama, and meditation classes—culminating in a closing sankalpa on Monday morning.

Take time between enriching sessions to:

  • Explore the campus, nestled among the emerald redwood forests of Northern California
  • Enjoy fresh, nourishing meals prepared with care
  • Make appointments to drop into restorative spa services.

Don’t miss this opportunity to ground yourself and find your center, so you reenter the world refreshed and ready to participate with purpose and presence.

Visit the official retreat page here to learn more.

Early bird tuition ends October 31st.

Information about scholarships can be found here.